Programming languages:
Java, C\C++, the .NET, Delphi, Flex, ASP, PHP, JavaScript, Python, Groovy, Scala, SQL, PL/SQL, PL/pgSQL.
Web platforms:
SpringMVC, GWT, GWT-Ext\GXT\SmartGWT, Vaadin, zKoss, JSP.
Unit testing tools:
Junit, TestNG, Stub/Mock Library (Mokito), Code Coverage Tool (Sonar), CppUnit, GoogleTest.
Assembly tools:
Ant, Maven, NSIS, RPM, make\cmake.
Continuous integration tools:
Jenkins, SVN, Nexys.
Testing tools:
Jira, TestLink.
Design and development support tools:
Visual Paradigm, Confluence, DocuWiki.
Development environments:
Eclipse, IntelliJ Idea, Visual Studio Microsoft, SonarQube.
Application servers:
Apache, Tomcat, Jboss, GlassFish.
JPA, Hibernate, Cayenne, nHibernate.
Windows, Linux, QNX (including MSVS, AstraLinux), UNIX.
Oracle, MS SQL, the MySQL, PostgreSQL, Linter-VS, others
Network technologies:
TSRRL, ultra-short waves of radio communication, satellite communication networks, optic fiber lines